Find Hope

So this lady asks to hold my hands and pray in the parking lot.

Eric M.

"That just gave me a front row seat to one of God’s miracles."

My Rock-n-Roll Dreams Turned to Worship.

Zach Williams

"Things started changing in my life but I still wasn’t ready to quit doing the band thing."

The dangerous walk of faith.

John B.

"From that time on I realized that you never know. The next time that you get off the airplane walking through the airport, you may be killed."

From Vice President to a much higher position.

Bernie Miller

The guy looked across at me and said, “You are arrogant. You need some humility. I am going to give you some. You’re fired.”

Chased a girl into a strange spiritual situation.


When I got up after he prayed for me it was like I had gotten a shower on the inside and I was now clean.

Jewish Israeli Psychologist finds Jesus

Dr. Erez Soref

"We refer to this phenomenon as Jesus being the best-kept secret among the Jewish people."

I Thought I was Religious but found a relationship with Christ through my brother.


"He came back so transformed I didn’t even recognize him."

Face to face with the Vietnamese officer who killed my friends.


"Vietnam was the one place in the world that I never ever wanted to go back to."

Once ran in place of God, now I "Run For God."


"I was spending more time running than I was spending with my wife and my kids."