Find Hope

Former racist and Black Panther.


When I was about twelve or thirteen years old I heard my grandfather say, “The only good white man is a dead one.”

Even a great dad cannot meet the deepest needs.

Jeff K

There’s some sort of hole in your heart that you're still trying to get filled. You wish your Dad had said some wonderful things.

When drums and guitars first hit the churches.


To have Billy Graham come up after hippies played and preach to them was like a moment of truth. Like, well maybe if it’s okay with Billy, it’s okay with God.

From starting NFL quarterback to cut and humiliated.

Jeff K

I was realizing that more of my identity was wrapped up in the NFL and in quarterbacking than in who God says I am, my worst moment of life converted to my very best moment of life in a matter of fifteen seconds.

Because I said "hi" she didn't kill herself.

Matt K

She later told that she was thinking about suicide, and that it was my simple hello that had let her know that she was alive.

What if God knows more than the doctors?

Tim Timmons

Twelve years ago, I was given five years to live. They said; “Tim, you have an incurable cancer and we will see you on Monday.” That was the most sobering time of my life.

Met my father at 16, then led him to Christ.


I was going to school as a little boy and a lady stopped me and asked, “Are you the son of…, and she called her name. I said, “Yes.” She said, “Come here. I want to show you somebody.” She then pointed and said, “I thi...

Why did God let the love of my life die?

Danny Gokey

But I couldn’t escape the idea that suicide would be a good escape. It was like I was holding on the casket of my wife, and as morbid as it sounds was like I was being buried. I remember picturing myself breaking my grip with...