Find Hope

Stuttered, stumbled, picked last for teams.

Mark Harris

When I was a little boy I was not the most athletic.I was definitely not the one most likely to succeed. I was shy and had a stuttering problem. I was extremely insecure. As a teenager my outlet for identity became sports. I ...

Thankful to not be rubbing snakes anymore.


I would still be rubbing some mouse or some snake or some elephants belly. But I don’t have to do that. I believe in the living God.

My head in the jaws of a mountain lion.


"It launched with force. It slammed into my chest. The top claws, the front claws were all up by my face and by my neck.......... I was twenty four years old. I didn’t want to die."

Found in a bathroom at two days old.

Jean Marie

"Did I believe really that the stories in the bible were true? Not really sure."

Shacked up at 14, but now we lead marriage classes.


"I was raised in the church. But through my teenage years, I got a little wild and did things I shouldn’t have done."

Wife and I headed to Nashville with no money.

Jordan Feliz

So we just left. I had no shows booked, I had no nothing. We didn’t have enough money to get to Nashville, so it was like; “Alright Lord, let’s see what you can do.”

Illiterate, lived in a shack, but still found success.


I was illiterate. I couldn’t read until the seventh grade. I had a speech impediment. I was mocked through school. I wore hand-me-down clothes. But in the seventh grade .....

Introducing ComeOnLetsGo

Introducing ComeOnLetsGo