Find Hope

My unspeakable abuse now helps other women.

Diane W

I made a choice. That day a healing process started in my life. Now I can look back and say, “Wow.

I tied fishing wire to the rifle trigger.


I had loaded the rifle and put it on the coffee table. I had a fishing line tied to it.

God cared about my piercings.


She noticed the holes in my face. She was like; “Oh, you’ve got a lip ring?” I said; “Yeah, I had to take them out to get a job, you know, working for the man.”

Stole from my grandmother’s checkbook.


Then it got to where I was breaking into her house. Then I started buying checks from people, and forging people’s names on everyone else’s checks. Then the burglaries began.

Even my fellow drug users said I was in trouble.

Tony T

The dealers turned to me and said, ‘Look man, you need to go get some help.” When you’re standing in a very small room using drugs with two other guys that are the same as you, and they look at you and say, “You need to get h...

Assaulted four with a knife, but a prison friend modeled a better way.

Matt H

Really, I wanted to die. I was doing all the things that were killing me anyway. I had so much pain, hurt, and hatred I didn’t know how to process any of it.

From the next school superintendent to crackhead.


I had a big head and a big attitude to go along with it. I had the house, cars, the boat; the middle class dream. All of a sudden I started making some real bad choices.

Five divorces by age thirty.


By the time I was thirty I had experienced five failed marriages. I felt like I could do nothing right;

Drugged and gang raped, but found healing and hope.


Then they gang raped me. I came close to dying that night.

Owned a head shop. Loved booze.


I thank God that he let me live those sixty-six years, as a sinner. I learned from those years of bad experiences, and now I can share with others what I’ve learned. I hope what I have to share will influence at least one p...