Find Hope

Daddy pain.


My dad has 4 great grandsons he has never met. They are not even on his radar.

Headed to abortion clinic just after recommitting to Christ.


I remember her beginning to cry. She asked me, “Before you leave would you mind to watch this video?” So she comes in and puts this video on and leaves a little box of Kleenexes next to me.

No one in the youth group would talk to me.


Even in your most lonely moments God is there.

Life ... or a paycheck?

Bernie R

A lot of people would ask the question; “So tell me when I’m going to die.” What I learned was, that the more important question is; “When are we going to start living?”

A spirit of death haunted me.

Dana H

I actually had a friend who referred to me as the Dark Angel of Death.

My unspeakable abuse now helps other women.

Diane W

I made a choice. That day a healing process started in my life. Now I can look back and say, “Wow.

Buddha and others miss the truth that Jesus reveals.

Mike S - part 2

When I was a Yoga teacher I heard many people say that both Jesus and Buddha were avatars, which a Hindu word meaning, “Incarnation of God.” I believed it also.

God cared about my piercings.


She noticed the holes in my face. She was like; “Oh, you’ve got a lip ring?” I said; “Yeah, I had to take them out to get a job, you know, working for the man.”

Political prisoner in refugee camp.


I had a little New Testament that I used to bury in the ground. That was the only thing I had to read and I didn’t want them to take it from me.

My Jewish roommate blew my mind.


One day he comes home and says, “After a careful examination of the Old Testament I am a follower of Jesus.” Talk about something blowing your mind.