By the time I was nineteen, I was extremely bitter, angry, volatile … violent. I had become a kleptomaniac I was addicted to stealing everything around me. I was heavily on drugs and had really pushed everybody out of ...
God loves you and he cares about you; and he wants the best for you. You find freedom in his love through surrendering to him.
Without ever hearing him say a word he spoke to me. He said, “I am the fifth fallen angel. You’ve served me well, and you will serve me again.”
"He did cross the line, and I became a victim of what we now know as date rape. Thirty years ago that's really not what it was called. Since I did go into the bedroom with the guy, I blamed myself for many years..."
All of my life my family has been drug addicts, prostitutes, and different things. I didn't grow up in a very good household.
Her grandmother threw her out. She lived in a little 16‘x9’ shack by the roadside. I was born in that little shack.
"When my mother told her that she was pregnant she took her to what we would call now a backwoods abortionist."
At twenty-six years old I woke up one day and said, “That’s it. I’m done. Today is the last day I’m going to live. That’s it!” That day I received a phone call form somebody I hadn’t talked to in years.
I slept in the car one night with my newborn baby. That was one of those “God, why me” moments.
"I was raised in the church. But through my teenage years, I got a little wild and did things I shouldn’t have done."