Find Hope

From Judaism to Buddhism to Rosicrucianism.


That voice that I have heard my whole life, that calling, that feeling of someone being next to me my whole life had a name.

Consulted a fortune-telling prophetic book.


When I was about thirteen or fourteen I wanted some answers for my life. So, I started tossing the I Ching.

My debauchery destroyed my marriage.


I started asking questions of some friends of mine that I knew were in church, like; “Really what’s the point of existence? What’s the meaning of life?”

Followed my brilliant brother into atheism.


So I listen to them and they say, “If you have any problems, give us a call.” So I said, “Heck, let’s laugh at these Christians. “So I called them thinking I was going to make fun of them.

Thankful to not be rubbing snakes anymore.


I would still be rubbing some mouse or some snake or some elephants belly. But I don’t have to do that. I believe in the living God.

The brain tumor changed my perception of reality


The surgery getting the tumor out was more damaging than the tumor was.

Found in a bathroom at two days old.

Jean Marie

"Did I believe really that the stories in the bible were true? Not really sure."

My atheist jail mate started reading the Bible.


"I thought he was crazy at first. I really thought he was crazy."

Old fashioned preachers and mind control.

Joe B.

"I was on a road before I got saved that would have led me probably to my death."

Determined to debunk my wife's belief in Jesus.

Lee Strobel

"I thought this was the end of our marriage. But in the ensuing months, I saw positive changes in her values and character in the way she related to me and the children."