By the time I was nineteen, I was extremely bitter, angry, volatile … violent. I had become a kleptomaniac I was addicted to stealing everything around me. I was heavily on drugs and had really pushed everybody out of ...
When my dad was struggling for his life, he went out into the yard to put himself out and the neighbors came to help extinguish the fire. Dad wanted to pray. Dad wanted to pray for my brother.
Johnny's Family disowned him. He felt "snakes" enter his stomach after hooking up with the 666 tattoo woman. The jail preacher, unaware, pointed at his stomach. "You are released from that curse!" he said. Johnny could finall...
That’s where Al Capone would take his people that were not faithful and dump them. Not far from where my church was.
My dad committed the crime of first degree murder on August 14, 1996, which is my birthday, and he went to prison.
People disappear all the time and nobody would have ever known what happened to them. It was my intent to kill them for what they had done to me.
We have a phrase in Spanish that translates in English as, “If you live by the sword, you will most likely die by the sword.”, or, it could be “ will die by the gun.”, whichever is your weapon of choice.
Really, I wanted to die. I was doing all the things that were killing me anyway. I had so much pain, hurt, and hatred I didn’t know how to process any of it.
They took me to the dessert out in Tucson, AZ and tried to make me dig a hole. They were going to bury me in the hole. So I told them; “Kill me and dig it yourself.”