Find Hope

Headed to abortion clinic just after recommitting to Christ.


I remember her beginning to cry. She asked me, “Before you leave would you mind to watch this video?” So she comes in and puts this video on and leaves a little box of Kleenexes next to me.

Forgave Mom, even after sexual abuse.

Mary F

When a child grows up thinking abuse is what love from a parent looks like, you don’t know it’s so horrifically wrong until someone else tells you.

Mother of five. Meth cook.

Kimberly P.

All of my life my family has been drug addicts, prostitutes, and different things. I didn't grow up in a very good household.

Will anyone love this hungry orphan?


They were told I was really small, that I had a heart condition, and that my growth had been so impaired I looked like a two year old. There answer was, “We think God wants us to take him.”

Cops were everywhere.


They pulled us out of the car. Made us get out of the car. They searched us and put us in handcuffs.

Mom was very angry, very malicious.


“You’re going to end up like your father, a bum on the street, a loser, an alcoholic.” As a kid, growing up hearing those things hurt me. I thought, “Man, after everything I do for you, this is how you love me.”

From poverty, near abortion and death, to dreams and miracles.


Her grandmother threw her out. She lived in a little 16‘x9’ shack by the roadside. I was born in that little shack.

My Grandmother tried three times to abort me.


"When my mother told her that she was pregnant she took her to what we would call now a backwoods abortionist."

Homeless. Sleeping in a car with my newborn.


I slept in the car one night with my newborn baby. That was one of those “God, why me” moments.

Who was the greatest rabbi who ever lived?


She said, “You can’t speak about Jesus at the funeral.” “I said, “Mom, it's not your place to tell me that. This is dad's funeral. I was asked by my brothers. You divorced him. You don't have this right.