Find Hope

Beating a Cancer Death Sentence


Joe Fornear lived an active life as a pastor until he was diagnosed with advanced stage four cancer.

Declared dead on arrival.


My Mother refused to make funeral arrangements. She decided she was going to go and pray.......I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for a praying Mama. Thank God for praying Mama’s.

During the ‘60s I saw some weird supernatural stuff.


I got a hold of some LSD. That was a real turning point in my life. That was like so different for me that it seemed to open up this whole dimension of the spirit realm that I have never really been aware of before. Of course...

The spirits I channeled entered and exited.

Robert R

I understood the power on the demonic side because I had been choked by demons, hit by them, slapped by them.

From riches to rags to trust.

Bernie Miller

Because of back taxes they took all the money I had in the bank. So I didn’t have anything except for a name and royalties that were also tied up. So I was really having to trust God.

God told me to go up a remote gravel road.

Dan L

I Got out of my truck and walked towards the shack. As I stepped up to the door it opened about an inch, and a double barrel shotgun stuck out of the door. At about that time I wondered if God knew what he was doing.

Drove my drunk Dad home at age 12.


When I arrived home I asked my brother, “Hey let’s get together. Let’s go out and drink. Dad’s dying. We need to go party.”

Two mothers gave birth after I saw and heard a child.


Without ever hearing him say a word he spoke to me. He said, “I am the fifth fallen angel. You’ve served me well, and you will serve me again.”

Life ... or a paycheck?

Bernie R

A lot of people would ask the question; “So tell me when I’m going to die.” What I learned was, that the more important question is; “When are we going to start living?”

A radical lesbian, consulting the dead—my new life moved beyond all that.

Amy M

"Suddenly I felt the real power and presence of God. It was like fire and electricity shooting through my body."