She later told that she was thinking about suicide, and that it was my simple hello that had let her know that she was alive.
I thought that I had nothing to live for. I thought that I was the most worthless mother on the face of the earth. I was no good as a wife. As a mother. As a daughter. As a friend
It was eleven o'clock in the morning, and my blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit for the State of Tennessee. My ten-year-old daughter was in the front with me, and she escaped serious physical injury, but her emotio...
Growing up I didn't have a very personal view of God.
"Suddenly I felt the real power and presence of God. It was like fire and electricity shooting through my body."
I had loaded the rifle and put it on the coffee table. I had a fishing line tied to it.
I decided I was going to get up and I decided I was going to get in my car and drive up Glendora Mountain Road where teenagers would always drive drunk, and every few years someone would end up driving off a cliff.
And God clearly said; “You are going to die this year.” I remember it scared me.
"The place that was a dark place to start with became my refuge."