Find Hope

A radical lesbian, consulting the dead—my new life moved beyond all that.

Amy M

"Suddenly I felt the real power and presence of God. It was like fire and electricity shooting through my body."

In solitary confinement 62 days. At day 31 my life changed.

Eric A

It was around the half way mark of my 62 days that I literally fell on the floor, knees on the floor, put my head down on the bunk, and said, “God, I’m yours.

Felt the bed shaking as I cried out to God.


I knocked on the door and Satan said; “You have to sell your soul to come in here.” The ledge started moving in. So, I sold my soul

Feared death and hated blacks.


"When I gave my life to Jesus he started dealing with the fears I had. Other things started changing as well. And I found that what once was an object of hate became an object of compassion."

Angels protected as the drug lord tried to kill me.


I would take guys into restaurants and everybody knew to take off their hats. One of the guys, who I still talk to, asked me, “Why do you pray? You know what we do here, right? We sell drugs. Why do you pray? Our business is ...

Sure, I danced with the stars.


When God spoke to me I left my career to be a stay-at-home mom. I left all the glitz and glamour and all the supposedly wonderful things. I started completely over, but with God in my heart this time.

Five divorces by age thirty.


By the time I was thirty I had experienced five failed marriages. I felt like I could do nothing right;

The 666 woman put a curse on my stomach.

John M.

I didn’t tell very many people about this for a long time. I didn’t want them to think I was crazy. I know I ran up on some wicked stuff that day.

Headed for the NFL, and then . . .

Chris W

At that point my brother and sister walked into the room, crying uncontrollably. At that moment I knew it was true.

Decided to drive off a cliff.

David I.

I decided I was going to get up and I decided I was going to get in my car and drive up Glendora Mountain Road where teenagers would always drive drunk, and every few years someone would end up driving off a cliff.