I got a hold of some LSD. That was a real turning point in my life. That was like so different for me that it seemed to open up this whole dimension of the spirit realm that I have never really been aware of before. Of course...
"I never realized the God that they serve is not the biblical God. The reason I didn’t realize it is because, as a Mormon, I never read the word of God."
That’s where Al Capone would take his people that were not faithful and dump them. Not far from where my church was.
I was the sixth of seven children. I was molested from the time I was two or three years old until I was six or seven.
I Got out of my truck and walked towards the shack. As I stepped up to the door it opened about an inch, and a double barrel shotgun stuck out of the door. At about that time I wondered if God knew what he was doing.
I thought that I had nothing to live for. I thought that I was the most worthless mother on the face of the earth. I was no good as a wife. As a mother. As a daughter. As a friend
Without ever hearing him say a word he spoke to me. He said, “I am the fifth fallen angel. You’ve served me well, and you will serve me again.”
"By the time I was in puberty I had one foot in the homosexual world, one in the heterosexual world, and I didn’t know how I got there."
I was supposed to be the watcher, “the watchman” to make sure that no one comes in so they wouldn’t get in trouble.
I actually had a friend who referred to me as the Dark Angel of Death.